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Vitamins Pregnant Women Need More


Pregnant women must eat a healthy and well-balanced diet complete with the vitamins and nutrition that their bodies and babies need during pregnancy. Here is a list of vitamins for pregnant women:

  • Folic acid is highly needed for pregnant women because it helps prevent neural tube defects, spina bifida, and other birth defects. Folate can be found in green leafy vegetables, breakfast cereals, and fat spreads.
  • Vitamin D can be produced by our bodies if our skin is exposed to the sun. But during winter months, we need ten micrograms of vitamin D every day. It is important to eat foods like red meat, eggs, and oily fish.
  • Iron is essential to prevent anemia. People with iron deficiency are most likely always tired. Nuts, dried fruit, green leafy vegetables, and lean meat all contain iron so eat more of these along with a balanced diet.
  • Vitamin C is crucial to keep cells healthy and protect them. It is found in several fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, blackcurrants, strawberries, red and green peppers, and oranges.
  • Calcium is vital for a baby’s teeth and bones. Pregnant women should eat foods rich in calcium, such as yogurt, cheese, milk, tofu, and soya drinks with added calcium.

You may visit your local pharmacy for supplement suggestions.

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